Saturday, August 31, 2019

Petroleum Engineering: Research Proposal Essay

Petroleum engineering is technical activities related to the hydrocarbon production – either crude oil or gas. The importance of petroleum engineering is swiftly increasing and researchers try to highlight peculiarities and innovations in their writings. Petroleum engineering is main substance discipline within the gas and oil industry which concentrates on maximizing economic recovery of hydrocarbons. Therefore, the intended audience will be researchers and scientists who are interested in promoting petroleum engineering which offers certain benefits, and common people who are interested in innovative technologies. As far as petroleum engineering is related to many scientific fields, I am sure that economists, engineers, geologists and drillers will find the material informative and valuable. The current research will be assessed through the methods of description, case study and desktop research. The main purpose of the study is to enlarge knowledge of petroleum engineering, its importance and benefits. The research will focus on defining of petroleum engineering, improvements in modeling and materials, application of petroleum engineering, probability analysis and new development of new technologies as, for example, enhanced oil recovery and horizontal drilling. The main goal of the research is to answer the question whether petroleum engineering is really worth of studying and researching. A literature search revealed a number of on-line articles and books on petroleum engineering and its application in modern world. Over two-thirds of these were prescriptive and written by practitioners, consultants and journalists. There is also a steady flow of research and ideas on how new developments in petroleum engineering challenge conventional techniques. The most valuable resources are â€Å"Petroleum Engineering† by Wyllie (the author offers information of the development of petroleum engineering, its peculiarities and innovations) and â€Å"Petroleum Production Systems† by Economides, & Hill (the authors offer extensive coverage of well deliverability from oil, gas and two-phase reservoirs).

Friday, August 30, 2019

Review of Related Literature and Studies Essay

This chapter deals with the review of Literatures and Studies. It also presents the synthesis of the review and its relevance to the present study. Related Literature AMA student Kariz Reinalyn B. Galano (et. al. Don Ricardo C. Lazaro, Rozmaigne Ann L. Sebastian, Kevin Patrick E. Viesca) (2012) cited in their approved thesis proposal at present ACLC has three hundred sixty five students enrolled. The institution is currently using a manual system in their Library and has weak security. Students can borrow books but need to return it within 5 school days. There is no proper monitoring on books being returned. There are no penalties imposed to the students as well. The only way the librarian will find out if there are still pending books not returned is during the end of semester at the inventory period. The librarian then will not sign the clearance of the students who failed to return the books. Another problem is the list of inventory of books. The students need to go and ask for the librarian’s assistance in order for them to search for the books. Karen Foss (2010), Library Director of the Catawba County Library System in Newton, North Carolina has expressed that it is difficult to find materials to help new public library managers cultivate their professional development. Most of the research and writings on library management have focused on academic libraries and only recently has there been more interest in the administration of public libraries. The skill and style of public library managers – the directors, branch managers, and department and service managers who are leading these institutions – strongly affects the culture of a public library. Library staff looks to these managers to help them navigate through the rapid changes that are occurring in public libraries as these changes in technology, roles, and user expectations strongly alter their daily routines of public service. Contemporary library managers need a wider array of skills and attributes than their earlier and more traditional counterparts and will need to seek continual professional development to remain effective as public libraries transition into the twenty-first century. These managers will also need to distinguish between management and leadership skills and learn to identify and mentor leaders within their staff who can assist in the transition. According to Alvin javelosa (2011) library is a collection of books, resources, and services, and the structure in which it is housed; it is organized for use and maintained by a public body, an institution, or a private individual. The term â€Å"library† has itself acquired a secondary meaning: â€Å"a collection of useful material for common use,† and in this sense is used in fields such as computer science, mathematics, statistics, electronics and biology. this study will help the library personnel or the librarian in monitoring the books accurately. Further, the use of cataloguing will be made easier through an advance system provided by this study. The librarian is encountering problems in doing transactions like borrowing books, checking the availability of books, returning and accessioning of books because all the transactions are being done manually. The process is time consuming. This proposed system will provide their library a computerized system making it more organized and easy to access. The advantage of this study is to make their current system more effective and efficient. This computerized library system is a transaction processing system (TPS) that will provide a convenient cataloguing, inventory, monitoring, accessioning, borrowing, returning, security and retrieving of records. html) According to Mohd Fairuz Anwar Bin Mahadi (2005), The Library management system will store all the books and members information that consist book number, book title, author name and racks to the system database. The system also provides search function to help students find the book by number of book. Search functions will search through the books database to look for the book and view where the book is situated. For the administrator user, only librarians have access to view or edit data from the system databases. Administrator user will handle administrative functions such create new LMS user account and decide the number of days allowed for the borrowed books. User needs to enter correct password and user id before user can access this function. From here, user can add, delete or update the book and borrower database. (http://library. utem. edu. my/index2. php? option=com_docman&task=doc_view&gid=3761&Itemid=208) According to Donna M. Salinas (2010) Library is the best place in the school where the students review and study. It is the place where students study so our group aims to improve the manual operation of the library system. We thought of something that makes the time of students and library personnel decreases for searching and borrowing of books. (http://www. scribd. com/doc/56632694/library-system) Related Studies: According to Shelagh (2001) Fisher library management system is becoming marginalized in the context of ICT developments currently taking place within the library sector because suppliers have failed to keep up with such developments, or have been more concerned with keeping up with the changes in the core functions. The aim of this research, therefore, was to determine the feasibility of developing and disseminating a model system specification which could be used to assist and guide libraries in the procurement of library management systems. The premise was that if a core set of requirements for library management systems, as articulated by purchasing libraries, could be identified, it followed that it would be feasible to develop a model specification or ‘toolkit’ on which procuring libraries could draw. Identification of a potential core set of requirements could be identified primarily by undertaking analyses of  specifications produced by libraries for the tendering process in acquiring a library management system. Thus forty-one specifications were collected from libraries which had recently acquired a library management system, and these were subjected to various levels of analysis. The results are reported in Section 4. Secondly, it was decided that as library system suppliers were in receipt of large numbers of specifications produced by procuring library authorities they were in a strong position to comment on the feasibility, and desirability, of developing a model specification. Thus, a survey of UK system suppliers was undertaken to determine the collective view of suppliers on the role, content, quality and usefulness of the specification as a procurement tool. The results of the survey are reported in Section 5. A detailed account of the methods used in this Study is provided in Section 3. The next section (Section 2) provides a review of the literature on the role and content of specifications, and identifies weaknesses in approaches to producing specifications for the purchase of library systems. (et. al. Rachel Delbridge, Sian Lambert) (http://www. cerlim. ac. uk/projects/harmonise/harmonise. pdf). According to Veronica Adamson (2008) Changes in society and technology are impacting significantly on UK HE libraries and consequently on their management systems. Demographic changes, political and economic drivers are affecting university services and funding structures, and a ‘new realism’ of pragmatic economic and business considerations presides. (JISC & SCONUL LMS Study Report, March 2008) Library management systems have developed in response to technical advances and user requirements, mainly in developing electronic interfaces, refining standards and access protocols, purchasing and acquisition processes and cataloguing systems. Increasing globalization of goods, services and communities means that technical platforms are now developed on an international basis and implemented for a worldwide network of users and contributors. A new market for library services and information provision has emerged, with Google and Amazon as a de facto paradigm and metaphor for discovery and delivery. Perceptions of the role and function of the university library are changing, developing and often conflicting, particularly in relation to the provision for collection and circulation, resource discovery, ownership and control, personalization  and seamless access to resources. Enhancing usability and accessibility for an increasingly diverse user community is of increasing importance for libraries. Today’s library users expect speed and immediacy of information discovery, one-stop access to aggregated services, user-generated open content, and personalized, workflow-related delivery to the desktop. (et. al. Paul Bacsich, Ken Chad, David Kay, Jane Plenderleith) (http://www. jisc. ac. uk/media/documents/programmes/resourcediscovery/lmsstudy. pdf). According to Herrera C Rocio (1987) the work habits of users in any activity requiring information, the importance they attach to obtaining it and the facilities at their disposal, their knowledge of these facilities, their assessment of their value and the possibility of their obtaining what they are looking for are the factors that affect user behaviour in the quest for information. The behaviour of the users of university libraries specifically is affected, in addition to the above factors, by others directly related to the university environment, such as teaching methods and the type of education provided. The country’s education system is a teaching-learning process largly consisting in an essentially repetitive pattern in which the student consumes and reproduces the concepts transmitted by the teacher. This model is mainly based on the university lecture system, in which the teacher simply gives a course of study and provides the pupil with a brief bibliography consisting basically of texts. The result has been that education has not become a critical and creative process and library resources have accordingly been under-utilized. As regards the response to the information services provided by university libraries, it can be said that research workers do not use the services properly since the role of the library as an agent for the transfer of information has been disregarded in the research process, this type of user tending to acquire information through informal channels of communication, such as personal contacts with other colleagues. In its turn, the library has neglected its task as a constituent part of the research enterprise, forgetting that one of the priorities of the university, in addition to its teaching role, is that of research, which is the source of much knowledge of benefit not only to the university but also to the community in general. The university library should pay special attention to ascertaining not only the specific information needs of each type of user but also user behaviour patterns in the information retrieval process, in order that these needs may be met and the factors responsible for the non-use of the library restricted to a minimum. This will be achieved through an appropriate methodology for conducting user studies, which will then provide guidelines for the organization of user training or instruction courses aimed at the various groups. These courses will influence the future response of users to information services. Since user behaviour in the information retrieval process determines the level of library-user interaction, continual monitoring by the librarian of changes in that behaviour is necessary. These changes are dependent not only on information needs but also on the possible impact of the introduction of new services. This shows that, over and above the matter of training in the use of library resources, user behaviour presents a number of special features, largely reflecting the fact that the information needs of those concerned are not well defined and that their request for information are consequently vague and very general. It follows that library staff should bear in mind their active role in promoting and publicizing their services and resources since, despite the continual emphasis placed on the role of information in development, it has been shown that users tend to dispense with non-essential information, the usual practice being to rely on memory, to evade the problem or to solve it with vague or incomplete information. However, it should not be overlooked that there is another group of users who consult libraries actively and effectively in order to satisfy their information needs; although accessibility influences the use that they make of resources, the most important thing for this group is their confidence and faith in the information system. (c Loreto M. Libia and Rua R. Ivan) (http://www. unesco. org/webworld/ramp/html/r8722e/r8722e0l. htm) According Neelakdan,B (2010) a sincere attempt has been made towards finding out ways and means for automating activities in the School of Chemistry Library. The objective of this study is to use the Koha Open Source software system for the automation of the major day ­ to ­day activities of the various section of the School of Chemistry Library, which is tiresome and cumbersome. After the investigation, the researcher has found that Koha Software is more suitable for the library Automation. This project had the basic objective of designing a bibliographic database for the School of Chemistry library, with which the automation of circulation routines is carried out. From this point of view it may be concluded that Koha is a useful package for the creation of a database and for information retrieval. This set of Manuals for the automation of circulation section is tested with the database created from the collection of chemistry department library. A sample database for a few thousand works and a database of the users/borrowers are created. With that test sample the Manuals for each function of the circulation section is tested with the available computer system. Koha is an integrated software system with all the required models for small to very large libraries. It is found that this automation projects will serve as a model for any library. (http://www. ipublishing. co. in/jarvol1no12010/EIJAER1014. pdf) According to Dio P. Doble (2011) A college strengthens its educational level through the advancement of its library. The Botolan Community College Computerized Library System aimed to enhance the procedures of the library, from manually operated to a computerized system. This proposal’s purpose was to ease the transactions in the library, i,e. , leading of books, storing of books, search engine for books, manage members of the library and secure the library system. The librarian and the library users still use the manual way of transacting of borrowing and returning of books. The librarian use log books in listing the books. They use library cards and card catalogues in searching for reading and reference materials. (http://www. scribd. com/doc/99431218/Computerized-Library-System).

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Edward R. Murrow †The Father of Broadcast Journalism Essay

The movie ‘Good Night and Good Luck’ portrays the early 1950s when America experienced the threat of communism that created fear amongst Americans. There were even some who took advantage of such situations such as Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin. But there was one person who knew of his scheme and did everything to expose his deception amongst the people, this was Edward Murrow. This film showed his and his producer’s pursuit to expose the truth. The bravery and determination of Edward Murrow to reveal the truth by the use of media made him known as the father of broadcast journalism. The bravery of Edward Murrow to deliver only the truth to his viewers was one of the reasons why he was well known during the 1950s. This movie showed how far Murrow would go just to reveal the truth. He did not consider the danger that would come with his plan to expose the public deception of Senator McCarthy. Being a journalist and a democrat, he had in him the drive to let the public know the truth no matter what (â€Å"MURROW, EDWARD R.  U. S. Broadcast Journalist†). Because of this dedication, people saw him as a person who upholds public service at its best; until now, he is known for his bravery in exposing the truth. The pursuit of Edward Murrow to expose the truth about the public deception of Senator McCarthy showed his determination to reveal the truth and save his fellow Americans. Murrow made use of his resources to uncover the truth behind the communism threat to America imposed primarily by Senator McCarthy. When chaos was dominating the society, Murrow knew that he had to do something to bring back the peace among the people. He served as the voice of the people, exposing information after information of the truth behind the â€Å"red scare† that started chaos all over America (Jeff, n. d. ). Edward Murrow not only served as a journalist who wanted to reveal the truth, but most importantly he served as a hero for the Americans in their time of crisis. He did not think of the danger that he would encounter in his pursuit to expose the truth. He believed that the people deserve to know the truth and, him being a journalist, he knows that it is his job to deliver the truth to the public. Because of his bravery and dedication to his work, he was acknowledged by journalists as a person to look up to and an epitome of â€Å"journalistic excellence† (â€Å"MURROW, EDWARD R. U. S. Broadcast Journalist†). These and many more are the reasons why Edward Murrow is regarded as the father of broadcast journalism.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Learning experiences and Learning process Research Paper

Learning experiences and Learning process - Research Paper Example Formal learning take place in institutions where there is an organized and structured program for instruction that is approved formally and it can lead to attainment of qualifications, for example, a diploma, degree or a certificate. The other experience in learning is non-formal learning, which either takes place in a training institution or outside a learning institution. Here, learning is not aimed at giving qualifications and is not usually evaluated. Finally, learning can occur in an informal way. In this form of learning, learning occurs in an informal setting like in a family or when in a work environment, in this form of learning no instructor is needed learning takes place naturally. In learning, process the teacher, acts as a facilitator: he asks open-ended questions, leads in discussions, guides students as they are performing tasks and make the learners participate actively in class. The teacher should also act as a motivator in the learning processes. This is because; as much as the content he is providing to the student might be hard, he should always try to simplify it for easy understanding (Szwejczewski 64). As a teacher, one should always provide a good learning environment for students, the slow learners, the fast learners, and those who are interested in co-curricular activities. In everything, that a teacher does in class it should be based on meeting the needs of the diverse student population. Even though students are taught in the same learning conditions, they tend to have different experiences.

Country profile of Italy's media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Country profile of Italy's media - Essay Example Mediaset initially expanded its services outside Italy by acquiring 25% shares in a Spanish broadcaster called Telecinco in 1997 and increases the shares to 50.1% in 2003 (Mediaset a). In relation with the increasing demand for the use of the Internet, Mediaset decided to become active in managing web-based activities of Canale 5, Italia 1, Rete 4 and TGCOM6 by establishing the ( b). Eventually, the media company decided to consolidate all of its digital activities under the Mediadigit before As part of analyzing the micro-environment of Mediaset, the total population in Italy including the number of households with television sets and the number of people who patronizes satellite, cable, or free TV will be thoroughly identified. Eventually, the most important media players including the current trends behind television broadcasting will be tackled followed by discussing the role of AGCOM in the extent wherein the media’s freedom of the press in terms of content restrictions being practiced in Italy. Prior to conclusion, the extent in which American programming affects the home-grown programming in Italy will be examined. As of July 2008, the total population of Italy is 58,145,320 (Central Intelligence Agency). Considering that Italy is one of the countries with the most advanced economy (Central Intelligence Agency b), almost 95% of Italian households have television. (Eurobarometer, p. 1) Back on November 2007; E-Communications Household Survey conducted an interview with a total of 1,039 research participants. Based on the results, E-Communications Household Survey revealed that as much as 79% of Italian household are dependent on the use of aerial television followed by 18% who has an access over satellite TV, 10% with access to cable TV network, and 8% on digital terrestrial television which is a

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Larson, The Transformation of Mrs peters; An Analysis of A Her peers ( Assignment

Larson, The Transformation of Mrs peters; An Analysis of A Her peers ( Literary Analysis ) - Assignment Example ly from both primary and secondary sources and inclusion of direct quotations and assertions from the characters which makes the story fascinating and offers the audience an inordinate opportunity to see the internal thoughts of various characters (Showalter 121). To substantiate claims and offer a profound understanding of why Mrs. Peters changed, the author summarizes ideas from secondary sources, names the author in a signal phrase as well as include page numbers in interpolation. Through Elaine Hedges’ analysis, it becomes ostensible that the sink, the stove, dirty towel on a roller, and the bucket of water were all symbolic (Diana 32). They indicate how women’s role was confined to the house and Mrs. Peters has her involvement with this. Mrs. Peters herself discovers the motive for the murder; she spots an empty birdcage, poorly sewn stitches, dismantled hinges and door, a strong indication that the murderers were violent. During Glaspell’s time, women were awfully confined and a patriarchal society, and were not allowed to leave the house. They resulted to keeping birds that would help them counteract monotony. The empty birdcage draws diverging interpretation from both Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale for they knew very well what it meant (Diana 33). The author’s insinuation of the state and role of women in the then society helps us understand the reason for Mrs. Peters’ change and have a profound understanding of the entire s tory. The world of women was criticized and trivialized by men. They could hardly see the wisdom and intelligence that the women possessed. Through this, the author offers a profound explication of how men belittled women and questions the ideals that the society was based on. In a topic sentence towards the end, the author articulates that by the end of the story Mrs. Peters had been transformed from a law abiding citizen to one who mutely censured and snubbed the law. To typify the point, he goes ahead to provide evidence of

Monday, August 26, 2019

Probation and Intermediate Sanctions #8 Term Paper

Probation and Intermediate Sanctions #8 - Term Paper Example 6). On other hand, intermediate sanctions refer to illegal judgments that connect ordinary audition and imprisonment. Intermediate sanction usually includes the following, thorough trial, house detention, electronic scrutinization, boot campus and drug management (Siegel 2011 p. 7). Intermediate sanctions serve the following two functions in criminal integrity scheme. First, the granting of intermediate sanctions over confinement helps in reducing congestion and eases the saddle on any county’s jail organization. Secondly, it facilitates the reduction of recidivism by aiming the behaviors of the defendants that led to the committing of the crime. Intermediate sanctions can be very effective if used in the right way. The condition number eight sets out one of the ordinary Conditions of Juvenile Probation which was permitted in 1995 by the New Jersey Supreme Court. The condition stipulates well that one is obliged to answer completely, truthfully and promptly to all the enquiries made by his or her probation officer. This condition usually forms the basis of good probationer performance. In case the person under probation does no adhere to the condition, the probation officer may impose an appropriate sanction against the probationer as provided by the law. When one repeatedly goes against this condition, this is considered as a contravention of probation particularly when one has violated other

Sunday, August 25, 2019


THE PLACE OF POPULAR CULTURE - MUSIC AND THE CITY - Essay Example Even though music could be said to be part of the very traditional facets of culture, there is no denying the fact that the changing trend of music whereby it had become more versatile and dynamic has made it jumped into a new array of description, which is the popular culture description. New York is one place that has a culture of its own. Through the power and potency of music as a global communication tool, the culture of New York City has been projected by various artists and songstresses who pick various themes about the locality of New York City and amplifies them to the larger world. In this paper, the concept of cultural geography is scrutinized with a link of it to culture and how the local musical space of New York City has helped in projecting the cultural values of the city. This will be done with specific analysis of the song, A Bavarian in New York by Triumvirat. Cultural Geography and how culture is linked to place Even though cultural geography generally comes under the field of human geography, it is largely rooted in the phenomenon of culture and actually revolves around it. This is because cultural geography delves into cultural outcomes and norms that exist across spaces and places (Knox and Marston, 2012). Cultural geography also refers to the relations that exist in spaces and places differentiations as pertains to variables of culture such as religion, language, economy, and morality. Through cultural geography therefore, it should be possible to distinguish one place from another through the inputs of their cultural practices. In effect, culture is directly linked to a place because culture helps in giving a place its differential identity from other places. It is not surprising therefore through tourism, people travel across spaces and places to experience the cultural dynamism of other places. When debating the issue of cultural geography, reference is commonly made to countries, eve n though most cities have their own influential cultural geographies. Cultural geography can therefore be narrowed down to cities very easily, especially when reference is made to cities that are found in cosmopolitan countries like United States, where States and Cities try to leave independent of each other. With this said, New York City comes to mind easily as one city with so much to offer in terms of cultural geographic identity. Why music has a strong place in Geographic Orientation The discussion on cultural geography would be most inadequate if music as a variable of popular culture is not discussed. This is because music, particularly local musical spaces give music so much power and influence in the cultural geography of any given city. In reality, music has the kind of strong place it has in geographic orientation because music can be used as a very powerful communication tool beyond the mere purpose of entertainment. Discussing music as a variable of culture, aspects of music such as theme, language, rhythm, genre, and message can all be identified. Through themes of music, musicians are able to use their works of songs to highlight specific cultural themes that exist in given geographic orientations. This way, the attention of all people hearing the song is quickly drawn on the unique themes of the said geographic location, such as a city. The rhythm and genre of music have also been associated with certain geographic

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Critical Book Review - Modernity and Postmodern Culture by Jim Essay

Critical Book Review - Modernity and Postmodern Culture by Jim McGuigan - Essay Example We are still living in a period of modernity at present. The author also touches on the theories of Baudrillard, Beck, Bauman, Giddens, and others in his field, giving heavy criticism to them all, especially to Baudrillard. McGuigan’s book seems that it is only an introduction at first glance; however, when we look beneath the surface, it is a bit more complex than that. The book does give overviews on topics of modernity and postmodernism; yet, it digs beneath the surface, as it criticizes certain theories and argues specific points in great detail. Not to mention, McGuigan does his best to put his thoughts into simple language, so that his messages can be understood by the common reader or a beginner student who is studying sociology. Along with this, McGuigan’s adds his own personal flavor to the text by inserting his own commentary, especially when it comes to theorists that he does not agree with, some of which has ever so slightly discredited his ideas as one may draw that conclusion that he can agree a bit more respectfully; nevertheless, his views have influenced numerous individuals, and many professionals speak highly of his work. This is evident, as many scholarly articles written on his book alone can be found through research, and he is cited by a number of authors. McGuigan’s book not only touches on the theories of other theorists in his field, it also coincides with other texts, as well as contradicts others. An in-depth analysis of the book, as well as the theorists that have been mentioned will enable us to have more perspective not only on what the message that the book itself is trying to convey to us, we will also be able to have a better understanding of the field of sociology as a whole. McGuigan’s book focuses on three main arguments. The first argument is that there is a distinct difference between modernity

Friday, August 23, 2019

Accounting and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Accounting and Society - Essay Example However, no such conclusion was provided within the video as to which perspective is better of the two. This creates a knowledge gap and thus provides the researchers with the opportunity to bridge the gap by setting forth an in depth research regarding the best perspective that should be implemented in accounting practices. Previous literatures have suggested that the arguments in favour of implementing the pro regulation perspective of accounting and arguments against the utilization of free market perspective have been influenced by political, social, economic and research consequences. Thus the primary objective of this research is to do a critical evaluation providing evidence regarding the implementation of the above mentioned approaches. The paper will also highlight the political, social, economic and research influences that have historically impacted on the level of accounting regulation in a developed economy with established security markets. Following the in-depth analys is of the factors, remarks will be put forward as to which accounting standard should be implemented. In order to carry on the research efficiently and effectively specific set of tasks will be divided between the two members. One member of the group will be primarily responsible for doing a critical evaluation of the pro-regulation perspective whereas the other member will be assigned with the responsibility of analyzing the free market perspective.... Extensive literature review will be done in order to justify every comment that will be made. The literatures that will form the groundwork of this research are peer reviewed journals that cover different aspects of these accounting regulation perspectives. Three peer reviewed articles will be used in order to explain the implementation of the literature in order to explain the topic of issue. In addition to that, the video that has been used as the basis for initiating the research process will also serve as a useful resource. The overall time frame required for this research is 2 months. The tasks that will be performed over the course of these 2 months have been explained in the following table. Timeline (Source: Author’s creation) PART B Previous literatures in the field of accounting regulation acknowledged the social, economic, and political factors that are associated with the advancements made in the accounting rules and explained the events that led to the formulation of different regulatory frameworks that are internationally accepted. Those literatures have also highlighted the aims and purposes of accounting regulation and also identified the necessity for imposing these rules from many different perspectives, particularly, the social, economic and professional perspectives.  The present study endeavours to gather and to contrast in one place the different perspectives regarding the pro-regulations and free market approach to accounting practices. This study will only include reference papers and articles which have explained and established the theory of accounting regulation. Thus issues that have been discussed within this essay are not exhaustive they do not necessarily represent the last research dealing with these issues.   The relevance of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Law for Non Lawyer Essay Example for Free

Law for Non Lawyer Essay As for one action, no matter it is legal or not is not only matches the law clauses, but also complies with the legal principle. Legal principle plays a vital role in the society. In the situation that the existing law would not have the ability to solve the new problems happened in the society, the legal principle can play a part in solving the problem. As for these situations that there are no explicit legal rules to solve the issue, the legal principle would take it. As for the relationship of the agent, the agent can represent the principal to do some things. Even if the contract is formed by the agent and the third party, the principal should take the responsibility finally. Body The Lawï ¼Å' unlike other rules, it is a symbol of authority and power. It relies on the compelling force of the state by different means of punishment. The law can be taking into many different forms, such as public law and private law, civil law and criminal law, common law and statute law, and so on. Public Law regulates the relations between citizens, companies and private associations on the one hand and the state on the other. Generally speaking, public law consists of Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, and Criminal Law. Private law regulates the relations between citizens, companies and private associations, such as tort law, contract law, land law, commercial law, and so on. Therefore, the law would play a role of guidance to people. For example, according to the criminal law, we can know what we can do and what we can not do. Under the press of the law, based on the fear of the punishment, we can prevent ourselves from committing a crime. Taking contract law for another example, the parties of the contract should bear the responsibility ruled in the contract. The unconstrained agreement is the basic element to a contract. Every party of the contract should comply with the quest ruled by the contract law. As for the application of common law, the judges should follow the previous decisions made in the process of the development of the law through doctrine of precedent. On the contrary, statute law is the laws made by the parliament. As for the use of the law in daily life, legal principle is one of the most important parts. At some situations, the application of the legal principle is more important than the legal clauses themselves. Due to the rapid development of the society and the economy, the evolution of the law can not keep up with the pace of the society and economy. In a result, in some cases, the existing law would not have the ability to solve the new problems happened in the society. So, as for these situations that there are no explicit legal rules to solve the issue, the legal principle is playing a vital role. According to the opinion of Leslie Green, another reason for the use of the legal principle is that law may be beneficial, but only in some contexts and always at a price, at the risk of grave injustice.[1] In general, the legal principle is formed in the process of the development of the law, experiencing a long history. It is always absorb the beneficial historical sources and develop into a useful material to match the need of the modern society for the law. It also develops to apply from an area to another area.[2] There are many legal principles can be used in our daily life. Such as the principle that everyone is equal before the law, signing a contract freely, protecting the public order and good morals, and so on. In the case of the background, although the action asking the friends to attend the party is match the rule of the law of the Prohibition of Unsolicited Parties (Fictitious) Act 2010, Derek violates the legal principle of protecting the public order and good morals. As a result, Derek should take some responsibility in the civil law. In the case, Ray, the Manager of a builder’s merchants, asks Derek, a Sales Assistant at the same workplace, to keep an eye on his 5-acre smallholding while he is on holiday in Spain. Derek emails a few of his friends to attend his 21st birthday party in a disused barn on Ray’s farm land. Due to a technical error, the email was sent to his entire email address book. Over 600 people arrive at the party and a neighbor farmer calls the police complaining about the noise. Derek is arrested for breach of the Prohibition of Unsolicited Parties Act 2010. For the Act, it applies to a gathering of more than a hundred people on land for a social purpose in which it is likely that alcohol will be consumed. It is a criminal offence to organize such a gathering without the permission of a local magistrate unless the organizer is an exempt person. (James B. Crippin, Jerry Ahern. Peter Squires. 2011) For the birthday party, it gathers over 600 people, it is up to the mustard of rally, that is, (1) particular majority participate; (2) participants have a more consistent motivation and purpose; (3) in the course, it has the serious violations, damage to public order, harm public safety or others. So, it needs to receive the permission of a local magistrate, otherwise, it will violate the Prohibition of Unsolicited Parties Act 2010. From the case of the background, we can see Derek and Ray form an oral contract and an agent relationship. In general, a contract is formed at the basic of the mutual assent between the parties.[3] According to the view of Miguel Pickard, the relationship formed among the people is aim at the interests of the parties.[4] The agent relationship formed between Derek and Ray is a typical example. In the stage of the leave of Ray, Derek, as the agent of Ray, would gain some rights as well as some responsibilities. Agent is formed by two parties: the agent, the principal. In the sense of the law, the relationship of agent has three parties: agent, principal and the third party. An agent is the one who is empowered to represent the principal to do some things, either implied or expressly. In the real life, although the contract is signed by the agent and the third party, in fact, the legal relation is created between the principal and the third party. An agency is formed either by express agreement or by implied agreement. In general, the relationship of agent formed by implied agreement is shaped in some necessary or emergent situations or shaped by custom. Such as a person entrusts with others’ property, need to preserve immediately, impossible or extraordinarily difficult to communicate with the principal. Once two people create the agent relationship and publish to public by words or other forms, this means that the third party has the evidence t believe their agent relationship. The agent and the principal can not deny the relationship casually. If the third party believes one person who is actually no authority to represent the principal is the agent of the principal and do some trade or sign an agreement with this person, the principal can ratify the authority afterwards. But there are some limiting conditions for the ratification: the principal who should have the contractual capacity must be informed of all the fac ts of the agency and ratify the authority during a reasonable time; the ratification must be of the entire contract and can be inferred. As long as the authority is ratified, the relation formed between the agent and the third party is binding to the principal.[5]As for the agent relationship, all of the parties should take their own responsibility and enjoy the right. The agent should follow the principal’s instructions. The agent can not make profits in the name of the principal for himself secretly. In general, the right of the agent to represent the principal is limited. If the agent makes profits secretly making use of the benefit of the principal, it is illegal.[6] In order to serve for the principal, the agent would ask for remuneration from the principal. The agent has right to ask for indemnity and reimbursement from the principal as long as injured or hurt during the stage of agency. Once the principal tries to avoid the liability, the agent enjoys the right of lien. The principal should make explicit authority to the agent and give relevant reward to the agent. If the agent does not represent the principal as the follow of the principal, the principal can use some remedies, such as refuse to pay the agent, sue for damage, ask the agent to recover the thing as before. The most important legal effect of the agent relationship is that the principal should take the responsibility of the acts of the agent. In the case of the background, the action of the agent of purchasing the apartment is binding to the principal. The principal should take the responsibility for the agent action. The trade made by the agent and the third party is binding to the principal.[7] In general, the principal is not always disclosing. As for the disclosed principal, the principal is bound by any contract unless the following situations: the agent exceeds their authority, the agent agrees to be liable and the principal is non existent. With respect to the undisclosed principal, the third party can choose one or more to take the liability, while the principal can sue unless the identity of the party is essential to the contract. The agent relationship can be terminated for many reasons. The agent and the principal can make an agreement to end the relationship. The relationship also can be ended by other legal reasons, such as the death of one of the agent or the principal, time is expiring, and so on. In the case of the background, Derek, as the agent of Ray, gets some rights authorized by Ray. Derek can use the smallholding in reasonable means. Although Derek does not need to take the Criminal responsibility, he should bear the civil liability for his action which affects the normal life of the neighborhood around the smallholding. But, according the law about the agent, the principal Ray would be the first defendant. After Ray bears the responsibility for the action of Derek, Ray can ask for Derek to undertake the liability for his action. According to the Prohibition of Unsolicited Parties (Fictitious) Act 2010, this Act applies to a gathering of more than a hundred people on land for a social purpose. But it is a criminal offence to organize a gathering if there is without the permission of a local magistrate unless the organizer is an exempt person. In the act, the exempt person means the occupier, any member of his family or his employee or agent of his. In the case of the background, Ray asks Derek to keep an eye on his 5-acre smallholding while he is on holiday in Spain. According to the Prohibition of Unsolicited Parties (Fictitious) Act 2010, as the agent of Ray during his holiday in Spain, Derek in entitled to use the smallholding for some purpose. In order to celebrate the twenty-first birthday, Derek asks his friend to attend the party is match the provisions of the Prohibition of Unsolicited Parties (Fictitious) Act 2010. Even if Derek does not gain the permission of a local magistrate, he also has the right to hold the party at the reason that he is an exempt person. The reason why Derek is an exempt person is that Derek becomes the agent of Ray in the period of Ray’s leave due to the agreement of both parties. However, even if the action of Derek to ask his friends to attend the party is comply with the quest of the Prohibition of Unsolicited Parties (Fictitious) Act 2010, Conclusion In general, on action can infringe several laws. At the same time, one action is punished either it does not comply with the provision of the law or it does not match the legal principle. At some situations, legal principle plays a vital role in the society. In the situation that the existing law would not have the ability to solve the new problems happened in the society, the legal principle can play a part in solving the problem. As for these situations that there are no explicit legal rules to solve the issue, the legal principle would take it. As for the relationship of the agent, the agent can represent the principal to do some things. Even if the contract is formed by the agent and the third party, the principal should take the responsibility finally. Just as the case in the background, Derek should take the responsibility for his action. Reference ï ¼â€  Bibliography [1] Bolton Partners v Lambert (1889) 41 Ch D 295 [2] Christina Maria Vogerl, â€Å"Unfair Terms in Standard Form Contracts†, European Master Program in Law Economics. [3] Leslie Green, â€Å"the concept of law revisited†, Michigan Law Review, vol.94; 1687 [4] Lloyd Grace, Smith Co [1912] AC 716 [5] Lunghi v Sinclair [1966] WAR 172 [6] Miguel, P 2007,‘reflections on relationships: the nature of partnership according to five NGOs in southern Mexico’, Development in Practice, volume 17, numbers 4-5 [7] P. J. du Plessis, â€Å"The Creation of Legal Principle†, Roman Legal Tradition, 4 (2008), 46–69, ISSN 1943-6483 [8] James B. Crippin, Jerry Ahern. Peter Squires. (2011). â€Å"First Response to Bombing Incidents and Weapons of Mass Destruction†. Chemical Rubber Company Press. [9] Aled Griffiths, â€Å"How are statutes interpreted?†, page617, Law for Non-Lawyers, Second Edition, ISBN 978-0-85776-696-0 [1] Leslie Green, â€Å"the concept of law revisited†, Michigan Law Review, vol.94;1687 [2] P. J. du Plessis, â€Å"The Creation of Legal Principle†, Roman Legal Tradition, 4 (2008), 46–69, ISSN 1943-6483 [3] Christina Maria Vogerl,â€Å"-$%01234;@EFLRWX_hiwxyÃ… ½Ãƒ µÃƒ ¬Ãƒ  Ãƒ ¬Ãƒ µÃƒ ¬Ãƒ µÃƒâ€Ãƒ ¬Ã‚ ¾Ãƒ ¬Ã‚ ³Ã‚ §Ã…“? ³Ã¢â‚¬ ¡Ã‚ ³{ ³m ³aTD ³h–à ¬hà a «5?CJ aJ mHh ´Chà a «5?CJ aJ h–à ¬hà a «5?CJ aJ o([pic]hßshà a «5?CJ aJ hà a «5?CJ aJ Unfair Terms in Standard Form Contracts†, European Master Program in Law Economics. [4] Miguel, P 2007,â€Å"reflections on relationships: the nature of partnership according to five NGOs in southern Mexico†, Development in Practice, volume 17, numbers 4-5 [5] Bolton Partners v Lambert (1889) 41 Ch D 295 [6] Lunghi v Sinclair [1966] WAR 172 [7] Lloyd Grace, Smith Co [1912] AC 716

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

African creation myths Essay Example for Free

African creation myths Essay 1. Perhaps the answer that would best suit the question why life is so hard and then you die is how death is portrayed in these stories. There is suffering and hardship in one’s life because of disobedience of the hardships and commands of his gods. Death ultimately becomes the only â€Å"salvation† after so much hardship.   Had the living things and man obeyed the orders of their god, death would not have overcome these lives. In the story of the Plant of Life, the second wife, in her jealousy of not being considered by her husband despite the death of the first wife decided that in order to end her suffering must kill the plant that has taken the time and affection that would have been hers. Hence, ultimately, it is no wonder that in the end, the wife bears the consequent death of all living things. 2.  Ã‚   Basically these African myths hold women in the same way that women are being viewed today. Women are seen as being responsible for the ills that happened to society and life in general.   For example, in the story of the Plant of Life, the second wife was blamed for being the source of death when â€Å"she saw the plant and was jealous and cut it down with a hoe.† (Plant of Life). Such story shows how of little value women are because if the god did not play favourites among his wives, the story would not have ended that way. As a whole, women are viewed as being the cause of tragedies. 3. This myth basically starts out as a story of creation of the world and its five elements.   However, as the story intertwined itself it became a story not of creation but of destruction as each element became defeated by the other until at last Doondari, the god who created these things came down to earth and became the eternal one.   A very good point of interest here is how the story incorporated the attributes of men like sleep, blindness, worry and death and how these attributes became defeated when all of them became proud. It would seem that the writer wanted to emphasize that pride became the reason for the fall of its attributes and in the end, it was the god who has to put everything in its place. 4. One interesting thing about this myth is how Shida Matunda got afraid when the jealous wife killed the plant which what became of his favorite wife when she died. He is a god and yet he had no hold over life when in fact, he created the world and its living things. It would seem that as a god, he too depended on â€Å"higher beings† than himself and that he attributes life on these beings such as the plant which became the plant of life. 5. Between the myth of the Disobedience of Man and the story of creation in Genesis, one common factor emerges as to why one man disobeyed his Creator.   In this African myth, the root of the disobedience is the woman who failed to follow the orders of her god not to till the soil for food while in Genesis, Eve did not take heed in God’s warning not to eat the Forbidden fruit lest they will be punished. Hence, when they disobeyed the order of their gods, they were punished: the first beings in this African myth were sent with Death while Adam and Eve were banished out of the paradise that God created for them. 6. Indeed there is a great similarity between the myth Revolt Against God and the great Flood in Genesis although the manner of wiping out the face of the earth vastly differs with the version in Genesis.   In the myth of the Revolt against God, the gods wiped out the earth through fire whereas in the version of Genesis, the world was wiped out by the Great Flood.   Perhaps the reason why there is a similarity between the two stories is because we all came from the same roots.   Just like in the religions of   Christianity and Islam that traces its roots to Abraham, these stories of cleansing the earth may have also come from one original source and just branched out after generations of passing it. 7.   Ã‚  The gods in these African myths are not at all like gods but rather seemed like counterparts of men.   Although they have created the world, the living things and men, they never ceased to be like human beings who still feel the emotions of human beings or maybe they are simply reflections of the image and likeness of the beings they have created.   However, these African gods tend to be fickle-minded sometimes and would do whatever they feel like doing at the heat of the moment and that analyzing these myths, one can surmise that they are just exercising their power over their creations.

Factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis in leafs

Factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis in leafs Photosynthesis is the process in which light is converted to the chemical energy of sugars. It can be summarized in the following equation : This process occurs in the chloroplast of plant cells which are primarily found in the leaves. Photosynthesis is the building up of sugars using carbon dioxide and water as the raw materials. The energy for the process comes from light and a green pigment called chlorophyll allows the plant to transfer the energy from light to sugar. AIM : To measure the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis in leaf disc. RESEARCH QUESTION : What is the effect of different light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis of fresh leaf disc when the other factors that can affect the rate of photosynthesis are remained constant? HYPOTHESIS : As the distance of fresh leaf disc from the source of light is increasing (indicate the lower in light intensity),the time taken for the fresh leaf disc to float on the surface of 3% sodium hydrogen carbonate will be increase indicate the decreasing in the rate of photosynthesis when the other factors are remained constant. It is because photosynthesis is a light dependent process. At the low light intensities, this may become the limiting factor. Imagine light as a straight line which you can see with your own eyes. A plant typically has chloroplasts within their cells. So this straight line of light comes from the Sun, a natural source. It hits the surface of a green leaf. Firstly, is all of the light absorbed? No because some of the light is reflected off the surface and some light cannot penetrate the surface because it is the wrong wavelength. Most of the light gets in. Does that mean all of the light hits the chloroplasts? No because they are small, so some light rays will miss the chloroplasts all together. It is only the light which hit the chloroplasts which will be used in photosynthesis. So, for the experiment done with a shorter distance between the light source (bulb) and the fresh leaf disc, the leaf receives more light compared to that of longer distance. So theres a higher chance more li ght will hit the chloroplasts and therefore more oxygen and glucose will be produced by the plant. This means the rate of photosynthesis has been increased. However, chloroplasts are sensitive, so if they keep getting hit by light energy, they will eventually become damaged and then the rate of photosynthesis will decline. VARIBLES : Units Range Independent Variables The distance of pineapple leaf disc from the bottom of light bulb/ light intensity. cm 10-60 Dependent Variables The time taken for the pineapple leaf discs to float on the 3% sodium hydrogen carbonate solution. second 314.4-1250.4 Controlled Variables Unit Uncertainties Possible effect(s) on result 1. The number of leaf disc used for each experiment. To make sure the photosynthesis rate for all test is fair and equal within all test. 2. Diameter of each leaf disc used  ± 0.5 The leaf disc is corked by using cork borer and kept constant so that rate of photosynthesis is fair. 3. Concentration of sodium hydrogen carbonate. M To constant and make sure the rate of photosynthesis is fair and equal, and concentration do not be part of manipulating factor for rate of photosynthesis. 4. Surrounding temperature of experiment.  °C  ± 0.5 To make sure the temperature is not too high and suitable for optimum rate of photosynthesis. MATERIALS : No Materials Quantity Volume / size 1. Pineapple leaves 6 2. Sodium hydrogen carbonates solution (3%) 240 ml 3. Tap water APPARATUS : No. Apparatus Quantity Volume / size 1 Lamp 6 Standard size 2 New 10 ml syringes 6 10  ± 1 ml 3 Stopwatch 6  ± 0.05cm 4 Cork borer/hole punch 6  ± 8 mm 5 Thermometer 6  ± 0.5  °C 6 Forceps 6 Standard size 7 Measuring cylinder 6 50  ± 0.5 ml 8 Beaker 6 100  ± 10 ml 9 Meter ruler 6  ± 0.05 cm 10. Marking pen 1 Standard size 11. Marking tape 1 Standard size METHOD : The setup apparatus was designed as shown above. This experiment is done at room temperature of about 28  °C in the laboratory. Before other procedures are carried out, all the lights in laboratory are switched off to avoid interference which may affect the result. The distance between the bottom of the light bulb and the surface of laboratory table is adjusted to 10.0 cm; with the assumption that the surface of laboratory table represents the location of 10 pineapple leaf discs before the light is switched on. 10 ml of 3% sodium hydrogen carbonate is measured using measuring cylinder. Then, the 10 ml of 3% sodium hydrogen carbonate is poured inside a 100 ml beaker. From inside the beaker containing 10 ml of 3% sodium hydrogen carbonate, 10 ml of 3% sodium hydrogen carbonate is taken out using new 50 ml syringe. Then, 10 of approximately 8 mm pineapple leaf discs is cut out from the pineapple leaf using cork borer/hole punch to give the same diameter for all 5 discs. Now, your thumb or finger is placed over the small hole at the tip of the syringe and its plunger is slowly pulled out. After each disc is cut out, it is immediately transferred into the 50 ml syringe containing 10 ml of 3% sodium hydrogen carbonate solution. After all 10 pineapple leaf discs are transferred into the syringe; the plunger is pushed back inside the syringe. With all the pineapple discs still inside the syringe and your finger or thumb is still at the small hole at the tip of the syringe, the plunger is pushed in and out to compress and expel the air. After that, the content of the syringe was poured into the beaker which contain the rest of 3% sodium hydrogen carbonate solution; minimizing contact with air. The pineapple leaf discs are checked so that they are not on top of each other. Then, the beaker is immediately placed right below the adjusted lamp. The lamp is switched on and the stopwatch is started simultaneously. The time taken for each disc to rise is recorded. Steps 1 to 12 are repeated by varying the light intensity. To vary the light intensity, the distance from the bottom of the bulb to the pineapple leaf disc is varied to 20 cm, 30 cm, 40cm, 50cm and 60 cm. DATA COLLECTION: Distance of the beaker to the light source, d/cm ( ±0.5cm) Time taken for each pineapple leaf discs to float on the surface of 3% sodium hydrogen carbonate for Trial 1, t/s ( ±0.1s) Disc 1 Disc 2 Disc 3 Disc 4 Disc 5 Disc 6 Disc 7 Disc 8 Disc 9 10.0 314.4 346.8 349.8 353.4 354.6 354.6 358.8 360.6 367.2 20.0 473.4 480.6 498.0 512.4 518.4 518.4 526.2 527.4 539.4 30.0 601.2 647.4 648.6 654.6 658.8 674.4 679.2 684.0 690.6 40.0 713.4 718.8 720.6 724.8 725.4 729.6 741.0 741.0 750.0 50.0 849.6 889.8 889.8 901.8 907.2 907.2 907.2 929.4 930.6 60.0 1080.6 1100.4 1135.8 1153.8 1164.6 1181.4 1189.8 1189.8 1206.0 Quantitative Analysis Of Experiment Distance of leaf discs from light source, cm ( ±0.5 cm) Observations 10.0 At the edge of the leaf discs, some bubbles are seen after a few minutes. A lot of bubbles are produced and the leaf discs rise to the surface after a while. 20.0 Some bubbles are released at the edge of the leaf discs after a few minutes. Then, one by one the leaf discs rises to the surface after a few minutes. 30.0 Tiny bubbles are released at the edge of the leaf in a short period of time. After that, the leaf discs from the bottom to the surface. 40.0 The leaf discs rises one by one and float to the surface after quite a long period of time. Bubbles are produced quite slowly at the edge of the leaf discs. 50.0 The production of bubbles is slower and the leaf discs rises to the surface after a long period of time. 60.0 The production of bubbles is very slow and the leaf discs rises to the surface after a very long period of time DATA PROCESSING : The calculation of average time taken for the leaf discs to rise. In order to get the time taken for the leaf disc to rise, an average reading from all ten reading needed to be calculate and the average will be used to calculate the average time taken for the leaf disc to rise. The calculation, are obeying formula as stated below: Based on the formula above, the average time taken for the leaf disc to rise in respective temperature is calculated. The average time taken that has been calculated from above formula is shown below: Temperature of surrounding/ °C Average time taken for the leaf disc to rise in respective temperature. 10 352.74 20 513.48 30 672.72 40 731.64 50 906.06 60 1165.26 Table 1: Calculation Average time taken for the leaf disc to rise in respective temperature. Since we have calculated the average time taken for the leaf disc to rise in the surface of sodium hydrogen carbonate solution, the next step is to calculate the rate of photosynthesis of the leaf disc. The formula shown below is obeyed: By obeying the formula as shown above, the rate of photosynthesis is calculated and the calculated rate of photosynthesis is shown below: Distance of leaf discs from light source, cm ( ±0.5 cm) Rate of photosynthesis of leaf discs, s-1 10.0 0.002835 20.0 0.001947 30.0 0.001487 40.0 0.001367 50.0 0.001104 60.0 0.000858 From the above calculation, next we need to calculate the standard deviation of the rate of respiration photosynthesis of leaf discs in the different light intensities, and stated as uncertainties if the average time taken itself. The calculation used is using GDC, by following these steps: 1. First press button STAT then press button ENTER 2. Insert the data (in table 2) for 10 °C temperature inside the table then press button ENTER 3. After insert the data press again button STAT then press > to calculate 4. Choose 1-Var Stats then press button ENTER twice 5. ÏÆ'x shows the standard deviation of the time taken for the indicator solution to change colour from purple to greenish for 10  °C temperature. 6. Use all this steps for all the temperature (20 °C, 30 °C, 40  °C, 50  °C, and 60  °C) The data of uncertainties calculated above, is shown below, as calculate: Distance of leaf discs from light source, cm ( ±0.5 cm) Standard deviation 10.0 0.000132 20.0 0.000086 30.0 0.000099 40.0 0.003900 50.0 0.003130 60.0 0.000038 The next calculation involved is calculation of light intensity, which relates the distance of light source from leaf disc, and obeying given formula: And by obeying the formula as stated above, the calculation is as follow: Temperature of surrounding/ °C Working calculation of rate of respiration 10 20 30 40 50 60 Table 2: Calculation of light intensity. DATA PRESENTATION : DISCUSSION : 1. When the light source is 60.0 cm away from the surface of the sodium hydrogen carbonate solution, the average time taken for the leaf discs to rise to the surface of the sodium hydrogen carbonate solution is the longest, which is 1165.26 s. This shows that the rate of photosynthesis of the leaf discs under this light intensity is the lowest, which is 0.00086s-1  ± 0.000038 s-1. When the light is further away from the leaf discs, the chloroplasts can only trap a smaller amount of light to carry out photosynthesis. Thus, when less light is trapped, the rate at which photosynthesis occurs will decrease. 2. When the light source is 50.0 cm away from the surface of the sodium hydrogen carbonate solution, the average time taken for the leaf discs to rise to the surface of the sodium hydrogen carbonate solution decreases, which is 906.06 s. Hence, the rate of photosynthesis increases, which is 0.00110s-1  ± 0.00313s-1. With the light source closer to the sodium hydrogen carbonate solution, the chloroplast manages to work with a greater amount of light. This increase in light intensity increases the rate of photosynthesis. 3. This trend repeats itself when the light source is 40.0 cm away from the surface of the sodium hydrogen carbonate solution. With this increasing light intensity, the chloroplast manages to work with more light and this excites more electrons in the chloroplast and the whole process of photosynthesis occurs at faster rate which is 0.00137s-1  ± 0.00390s-1. 4. When the distance of the light source from the surface of the water is at 30.0 cm and 20.0 cm, the rate of respiration increases with the rate being higher at 20.0 cm away from the surface of the sodium hydrogen carbonate solution. The light intensity is higher at 20.0 cm compared to 30.0 cm away from the sodium hydrogen carbonate solution. The rate of photosynthesis for 20.0cm and 30.0cm is 0.001947s-1  ± 0.000039s-1 and 0.001487s-1  ± 0.000099s-1. Thus, the rate of photosynthesis is higher when the distance of the light source is 20.0 cm away compared to 30.0 cm from the sodium hydrogen carbonate solution surface. 5. When the distance of the light source is 10.0 cm away from the sodium hydrogen carbonate solution, the rate of photosynthesis is at its highest level. At this level of light intensity, the leaf discs optimize the amount of light which it can use to carry out photosynthesis. The rate of photosynthesis at this moment is 0.002834s-1  ± 0.000132s-1. The process of photosynthesis takes the least amount of time to occur under this level of light intensity, thus it has the highest rate of photosynthesis. 6. The number of leaf discs used in this experiment is kept constant for all the levels of light intensity. This is to make sure the competition for light remains the same for all levels of sodium hydrogen carbonate solution. Besides that, the level of sodium hydrogen carbonate solution in the beaker remains the same for all levels of light intensity so that all the leaf discs rise to the water surface by the same distance so that it will enable the calculations to be standardized. The temperature of the surroundings are kept constant for all levels of light intensity so that it does not cause any form of deviation in the sense that it will have an effect on the rate of photosynthesis. LIMITATION : 1. Not all the leaf discs are in good condition or fresh, causing difference in results of the experiment. 2. The number of leaf discs used is not sufficient to measure the rate of respiration. The result obtained is not so reliable and the experiment took a long period to complete. 3. There are other light sources that may affect the result of the experiment and cause it to be inaccurate. SUGGESTION : 1. Only fresh leaf discs that are in good condition should be used. 2. The number of leaf discs used should be increased so that more results can be obtained and the average taken will give a more accurate measurement of the rate or photosynthesis. 3. Conduct the experiment in a dark room which has a minimum source of light so that it wouldnt affect the experiment. CONCLUSION : As a conclusion, when the light intensity increases, the time taken for the leaf discs to rise will be shorter, the rate of photosynthesis of the leaf discs will increase. This is because an increase in light intensity will cause more light to be absorbed by the chlorophyll in the leaf discs and thus, increasing the rate of photosynthesis. However as the light intensity continues to increase, it will have no more effect on the rate of photosynthesis, this is because other factors will become the factors limiting photosynthesis. The hypothesis is accepted.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Alienation in Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie Essay -- Tennes

Alienation in Tennessee Williams', The Glass Menagerie Life is a lonely tale of alienation, as Tennessee Williams conveys though his play, â€Å"The Glass Menagerie.† Williams surrounds Laura in isolation from a world in which they wish to belong to by using various symbols. The symbolic nature of the motifs hidden within the lines of this play provides meaning to the theme found consistent throughout the play: Individuals are all alone in the world. Williams brilliantly illuminates the idea of isolation through the symbolic use of glass. The symbolism of the glass is directly connected with the character of Laura. Similar to glass Laura is extremely fragile, her soul and image faces the possibility of being easily damaged and destroyed. Her character is tragically transparent as it is simple to decipher. However, glass objects, unlike a painting or photograph, have three dimensions. It is possible to examine every side of Laura’s fragile character, just as it is a glass figurine. Laura is trapped into a mold of glass, unable to move or break from its pattern; she is trapped in her own world of alienation. Yet, in a different light, glass reflects a rainbow of personality and beauty. Similar to the rainbow given off by glass Laura aids characters in achieving a sense of beautiful and colorful self-awareness. Williams contrasts light and dark to bring attention to Laura’s isolation from the world, and illuminate it as moments of the beauty that exists in huma...

Monday, August 19, 2019

Exploring Girls Participation in Violence Essay -- Exploratory Resear

Exploring Girls' Participation in Violence Introduction Youth violence, and particularly violence carried out by girls, has been the subject of intense media attention recently, with an ever-increasing number of girls portrayed as carrying guns in their mouths and participating in violent crime. Although the percentage of girls' involvement in delinquency and crime has increased in the last two decades, it is still far below the level of boys' involvement, and it differs quite significantly. There is a paucity of literature on girls' violence, as most research on youth violence does not distinguish between girls and boys. The most comprehensive and extensive literature reviews on young women's crime and delinquency have been conducted by Meda Chesney-Lind and her associates. While not focusing exclusively on violent girls, their work on girls in trouble with the law provides much insight into the complex issue of girls' aggression and violence. The summary of research in this brief is, for the most part, guided by their work. Overall, the brief reviews the extent of girls' delinquency and violence, the ways they differ from boys', the contributing factors, and effective program strategies to prevent female delinquency. The Scope of Girls' Delinquency, Crime, and Violence The Extent of Girls' Involvement An understanding of the extent of girls' delinquency can be gleaned from statistics, as compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other official agencies, and from self-report surveys conducted with young people. These data demonstrate that girls are far less likely than boys to be arrested; in 1994, for example, girls accounted for one-fourth of youthful arrests (Chesney-Lind & Brown... ...s in the Maryland juvenile justice system. Findings of the Female Population Taskforce. Presentation to the Gender Specific Services Training, Minneapolis, MN. Moore, J.W., & Hagedorn, J.M. (1996). What happens to girls in the gang? In C.R. Huff (Ed.), Gangs in America (pp. 205-20). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Rankin, J.H. (1980). School factors and delinquency: Interaction by age and sex. Sociology and Social Research, 64(3), 420-434. Tolan, P., & Guerra, N. (1994). What works in reducing adolescent violence: An empirical review of the field. Boulder: University of Colorado, Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence. Webster, D.W., Gainer, P.S., & Champion, H.R. (1993). Weapon carrying among inner-city junior high school students: Defensive behavior versus aggressive delinquency. American Journal of Public Health, 83, 1604-1608.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Style in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown :: Young Goodman Brown YGB

The Style in â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story or tale, â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,† is an interesting example of the multi-faceted style of the author, which will be discussed in this essay.    Edgar Allan Poe in â€Å"Twice-Told Tales - A Review,† which appeared in Graham's Magazine in May, 1842, comments on Hawthorne’s â€Å"originality,† and â€Å"tranquil and subdued manner† which characterize his style:    The Essays of Hawthorne have much of the character of Irving, with more of originality, and less of finish; while, compared with the Spectator, they have a vast superiority at all points. The Spectator, Mr. Irving, and Mr. Hawthorne have in common that tranquil and subdued manner which we have chosen to denominate repose. . . . In the essays before us the absence of effort is too obvious to be mistaken, and a strong undercurrent of suggestion runs continuously beneath the upper stream of the tranquil thesis. In short, these effusions of Mr. Hawthorne are the product of a truly imaginative intellect, restrained, and in some measure repressed, by fastidiousness of taste, by constitutional melancholy and by indolence.    Peter Conn in â€Å"Finding a Voice in an New Nation† discloses a characteristic of Hawthorne’s tyle with regard to his short stories: â€Å"Almost all of Hawthorne’s finest stories are remote in time or place† (82). Nathaniel Hawthorne’s tale â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† is no exception to this rule, being placed in historic Salem, Massachusetts, back in the 1600’s.    Herman Melville in â€Å"Hawthorne and His Mosses,† (in The Literary World August 17, 24, 1850) has a noteworthy comment on Hawthorne’s style:    Nathaniel Hawthorne is a man, as yet, almost utterly mistaken among men. Here and there, in some quiet arm-chair in the noisy town, or some deep nook among the noiseless mountains, he may be appreciated for something of what he is. But unlike Shakespeare, who was forced to the contrary course by circumstances, Hawthorne (either from simple disinclination, or else from inaptitude) refrains from all the popularizing noise and show of broad farce, and blood-besmeared tragedy; content with the still, rich utterances of a great intellect in repose, and which sends few thoughts into circulation, except they be arterialized at his large warm lungs, and expanded in his honest heart.    How beautifully does this critic capture the basic attitude of Hawthorne, who avoids the â€Å"noise and show† and emphasizes his â€Å"rich utterances.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Writing Paragraphs

Should boys and girls be in separate classes? 2. Should the government place a tax on Junk food and fatty foods? 3. Should students' textbooks be replaced by notebook computers? 4. Pretend you woke up one day and there were no rules. People could suddenly do whatever they wanted! Would this be a positive or negative outcome? Answers (jot notes): 1. No because†¦ A. When they're out of college, and they have a job, it's not going to be separated by gender.They need to learn how to communicate with the opposite gender. B. It will Increase more Judgment between genders. . For Example when you were a child you thought the opposite gender has some type of diseases except you will think that through most of your school years and this may cause a lot of misunderstanding between men and women. C. I believe If a child has been going to school with the opposite gender this child will grow up not know how to respond when they do come into contact with the opposite gender. . The opposite gen ders might start to think that they are better or smarter than the other gender which could cause conflicts between each other In the future. 2. No because†¦ A. People would still buy, I. Example Even though government has raised prices on tobacco and cigarettes people are still buying them b. Government shouldn't tell people what to eat. Let the people do what they want. C. Everyone shouldn't have to suffer due to some people being overweight. 3. No because†¦ A.If all the student's assignments, and textbooks, and other data is on the computer and the computer is lost, stolen, or all of its data somehow gets erased then the student's marks will suffer drastically. B. People may use computers inappropriately, and since the devices are very distracting students may not listen to the teacher. . A lot of people get headaches when stare at a computer screen for a long time and using computers the whole day is a long time. D. This could lead to a generation of people who rely on computers, and they may not be able to function without computers. . Negative because†¦ A. People will no longer be able to differentiate between bad and good b. People may decide to start doing bad things. 1 OFF to the teachers, they probably wouldn't finish their work and that may cause them to suffer in the future. C. Crime rates may also possibly increase as people would know hat if they were to do something bad there would be no punishment as there are no rules. Answers (paragraph form): 1. I don't think that boys and girls should be placed in separate classes. This may cause increased Judgment about the other gender.For example when you were a child you thought the opposite gender has some type of diseases except you will think that through most of your school years and this may cause a lot of misunderstanding between men and women. I believe if a child has been going to school with the opposite gender this child will grow up not know how to respond hen they do come into contact with the opposite gender. The opposite genders might start to think that they are better or smarter than the other gender which could cause conflicts between each other in the future.Also, when they are out of college, and they have a Job, it's not going to be separated by gender. They need to learn how to communicate with the opposite gender. These are the reasons why I think that boys and girls shouldn't be separated into different classes. 2. The government should not place a tax on Junk food and fatty foods. First of all, the government should not be telling people what to eat. Just let the people eat and do what they desire. I think that people would still buy the Junk and fatty food if their price was increased.For example when the prices of tobacco and cigarettes are raised, people don't stop smoking, they still continue to smoke and the same thing would probably happen with Junk food. And last of all, why should everyone be punished and have to pay more even if they are not overweight or obese. For example if you were innocent, but you the police thought you were the person who committed the crime and they punished you, would that be fair? No that wouldn't be, o are being punished for something you didn't do.It's the same thing with Junk food, why would the people who are not obese and overweight have to pay more for junk and fatty foods. This is why I believe the government should not place a tax on junk food and fatty foods. 3. I believe that student textbooks should not be replaced by note book computers. First of all, students may use these devices inappropriately during school time, and since the devices are distracting they may not pay attention to the teacher. For example many students who claim to be using their phones, or ablest for an assignment are actually playing games or testing, not doing the work they are given.Also, these devices aren't very trustworthy, and they could easily malfunction or be stolen, and it would cost a lot f or them to be replaced. For example if all of a student's work was on the computer, and the computer broke, got stolen, or malfunctioned then the student's marks may decrease drastically, and it wouldn't even be there fault. They would be getting punished for something that was not in their control. A lot of people tend to get headaches when staring at computer screens ND of the day, and this would be shown in their academic progress.This could also produce a generation of drone-like people who would not be able to function without computers, and people will no longer know how to do anything manually, like writing a sentence on a piece of paper with a pen. I think textbooks should not be replaced with notebook computers. 4. I think having no rules would have a negative outcome. First of all, people would not be able to differentiate between bad and good. These could lead to conflicts in the future. People may start to do bad things.For example if dents came to school one day and the y had no rules, like listening to the teachers, they probably wouldn't finish their work and that may cause them to suffer in the future. Crime rates may also possibly increase as people would know that if they were to do something bad there would be no punishment as there are no rules. For example if you were really greedy, and you wanted to be rich, then you would probably rob a bank, if there were no rules, because you would know there would be no punishment or consequences. This is why having no rules would have a negative outcome.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Exams Should Be Abolished Essay

Exams – a word that many students dread to hear, a word that many students fear of, a word that seems to have the magical power to transform a happy and cheerful person into a frustrated and nervous wreck. What are exams and should they been done away with entirely? Exams are longer and more comprehensive versions of tests held every term. Initially created to monitor and check how a student was performing academically, they now have so much more pressure on them that students are burning the midnight oil to study for an exam. This results in some students becoming ill due to stress and lack of sleep. They have become more and more stressful and, even worse, a constriction to the ideal of learning. It is a well known fact that when it comes to exams, students compete, not only with themselves, but with other students. They no longer want to see an increase in their knowledge, but want to beat other people to the top of the class. Even parents take exams as a race to see whose children are more intelligent. Read more: If There Were No Exams Students shouldn’t be judged on their performance on one day when they might be ill. The exams might not be completely representative of the student’s skills as everyone can have a bad day. They are a poor method of assessment as they don’t reflect the use of knowledge in a practical environment. They don’t reflect how well you’ll be able to use your knowledge in real world occupations. Many successful individuals are bad at exams but can perform well under other methods of assessment such as essays and oral presentations which still prepare students in coping with pressure. Some people would argue that exams are not a fair assessment of intelligence and aren’t favourable to those with poor memory skills, those who suffer under pressure, and those who get so nervous in such situations that they shut down in exams. It’s  very easy to know content but to completely fail an exam because you are nervous. They aren’t an accurate representation of a student’s knowledge as some people are just better at taking exams than others. If you happen to mess up in your exams due to stress or panic then your goals can disintegrate leaving you unable to reach your full potential and having to settle for second best.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

New Product Development Strategy for Google Essay

Google is a world known company founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1997 based on the new name of their search engine that was BackRub that operated in Standford more than a year. The word Google itself comes from a pun of word â€Å"googol† a mathematical term for the number represented number 1 followed by 100 zeros that reflect their mission to organize infinite information in the web. Google is known for its search engine â€Å"Google† that is the world’s largest search engine since 2000 defeats other search engine such as Yahoo! and Bing. Since then, Google innovates and creates new products by partnership with or acquisition of some companies and the result is famous services their provided in the web or real life such as Gmail, Google+, Google Maps and Android mobile platform that is used by a lot of people around the world. QUESTION 1 Discuss and suggest some feasible application considerations when developing a new product development strategy for Google. Google is one of the biggest companies in the world that creates some of the famous product such as Google search engine, Android mobile platform, Gmail e-mail and many more. These products can compete with other products from other companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Yahoo! and many more that has market lead first rather than Google that join the business competition several years later even take a lead in the market. These products are not instant famous created but instead it’s created based on intensive and repetitive research that makes these products to be accepted by the customers. Below are some considerations when develop new product development strategy. 1. Corporate Planning Since Google established at 1998 with their web search engine â€Å"Google†, it started to create other services and applications that can be used by users to help them do their activities and business. Google focus into three primary market segments that is end users that is using Google for searching services, advertisers that will be charged when user clicks the advertisements and partner web sites of the Google (Google, 2005). Google utilizes the power of advertisements especially in the internet since there are a lot of Google users around the world that are using Google anytime and anywhere by using AdWords that can be used by anyone to advertise their business and AdSense that can be used by online publishers with displaying relevant ads about their contents. Google follows and creates customer’s trends in technology market to make sure that Google can be accepted by customers. For instance, at 2010 Google initiated cloud computing as their centerpiece strategies since a lot of companies and users are moving their storage data and processing into cloud (web) and Google offered their services for cloud computing using Chrome OS and Google Cloud Services. And Google strategies for 2011 are LTE or 4G development to gives users fast internet connection for their gadgets, mobile money that can be used by users using their mobile phone to do transactions including banking, buy and sell and review places using Near Field Communications (NFC), and increase availability of inexpensive smartphones since in 2011 Android has been used worldwide by users that can reach low end market. To expand the technology market target of users, Google creates some partnerships with some companies such as MTV, eBay, MySpace to help promotes and puts their products in their websites and services as well. Also Google do mergers and acquisitions of some companies such as Pyra Labs, Urchin, dMarc and many more to help create new market target and also new source of technology that can be developed for their products later on. 2. Marketing Planning To make sure Google introduce new products into the correct market target, Google needs to plan their marketing strategies to make sure customers and users can receive Google’s new products well. Google marketing plan can be divided into 4 categories that are Product, Price, Promotion and Place. Below are the explanations of 4 categories: a. Product  Google has categorized their products into some categories that are advertising solutions, business solutions, web solutions and product solutions that are used entirely in the web. In advertising solutions Google offers AdWord that can be used to advertise people’s businesses with flexible payment arrangements and AdSense that is used by publishers to advertise their products and contents in the web. Google will charge advertisers every time users click on Google advertisements in the web that help to increase the visitors to their website . Google offers some solutions for business purpose such as Google Cloud Services that will help business to put their data and processing into the cloud (web) that will help to expand their business and also minimize maintenance and expense since all services will be monitored by the Google itself. Also Google provides Search Appliance whether hardware or software that helps to document search in the organization. Web solutions also offered by Google for internet users such as Google search engine, Gmail e-mail services, Google+, Google Map and Blogger website blogging that can be used for free. Also Google sell products that partnership with some distributors to sell from bag, trolley and many more and also some products with Google brands in it. b. Price Google offers different price range for Google’s products that are offered to the customers from free into paid price with distinct price difference for each price. For free Google’s products it’s offered for the users for web services product such as Google+, Google Maps, Android, and Blogger that can be used by users in the web to do their activities or businesses. The reason why Google makes their web services product free is because they believed that services in internet should be free and easy to use for all the users. Google’s products with paid price is also have different price based on type of products that customer want to use. For example, AdWords will charge for the customers based on the cost per click (CPC) by the web users to advertisers with minimum startup cost for US$5.00 with flexible budget arrangement per day. Search Appliance also has different prices based on the type of hardware and software to used whether for mid size co mpany to multinational company. c. Promotion Google promotion is done by using the power of mouth advertising from one web users to other web users since users are using Google search engine to help them search what they want. While other search engine such as Yahoo! and Bing have complicated interfaces, Google offers simple and easy to use interface that makes it used by a lot of people and a lot of people will recommend it through words. Google creates some partnerships with companies to help them promote their products into the market such as Samsung and Google works together to create Google Nexus Prime, the first smartphone with Android 4.0. platform to run the phone. And Google offers open source for some of their products such as Android and Chrome OS so that a lot of people will familiar with the products before it’s released. d. Place Users can find Google easily in the internet since a lot of users are using Google to search what they want in the internet. With internet, Google can expand their products and businesses untrammeled with region, language and cultures problems since now users can access internet and check information anytime and anywhere. And using that, Google can easily promote their products and services to the users based on their search. Google also creates some representative offices in some of countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and India to help customers to set up some services and products because maybe there are some changes that need to do before put the services and products into their business. 3. Technology Management Technology management is very important to Google because with good technology management Google can produce and innovate their product based on the technology resources they have. Also with good technology management Google can compete with other competitors in the same market area to get customers and users. For example of technology management is Google Chrome, a web browser that was introduced at 2008 to accommodate user to dynamic and complex web that is based on a speed, simplicity and security. Google Chrome design is different with other browsers such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox because Google Chrome doesn’t have unnecessary toolbar or add on that makes browser slow and heavy processes but instead it’s using JavaScript engine V8 to handle all web applications fast. Google Chrome isolates each page or tab into its own â€Å"sandbox† to make sure the information in each page are secured from other page. Also Google Chrome is the first browser that supports HTML5 and extensions gallery that increases user experiences when browsing web. Google provides updates and patches for the Chrome but users can choose whether to install the updates and patches by themselves, automatically install or not to install. Google also provides source code of Google Chrome that makes it open source for public to help developing Google Chrome with name Chromium. After Google Chrome web browser hits the market, Google launched Google Chrome OS that is an cloud computing operating system based on Linux that will store the data and services optionally in the web and hard disk as well. Google also puts Chrome OS source code into open source with name Chromium OS that can be developed by public that helps development of Chrome OS. Google Chrome OS officially hits the market at 2011 in collaboration with Acer and Samsung with laptop called Chromebook. Inside Chromebook, user won’t need to install anything else but instead running web applications in interface just like Google Chrome web browser that makes the process faster, easier and more secure than other OS.

School Kills Creativity †Ken Robinson

1. I agree with this statement, my explanation is that everybody got an education since they was born. First, you have to define the word â€Å"education†. In my opinion education is same as imitation because everyone learns by imitate from what people have done. Students learn mathematic by the method that ancient people made, baby or kids learn everything from what they have seen. You can see that when we were young, we imitated the way we speak from our parents, and we drew the picture from what we see. In that time, we enjoyed that moment.So, we can say that education is in our instinct. 2. 3. What he say happen to us because we have been taught to live in the same pattern, we have to do something in the same way, we have to do something in the same pattern, to make mistake is prohibited. If you learn from history, many things come from the mistaken; Alfred Nobel found Dynamite when he tries to make other thing. Another reason why I agree with his word is that we’re all taught by the same way, so after graduated, we’ll be something like a textbook that you can find it easily.Creativity is the thing that can’t be taught. It has in everyone but education system obstruct it. School kills creativity – Ken Robinson In his speech at the TED conference in February 2006, Sir Ken Robinson claims for a reformation of the current creativity retarding worldwide education system. His point of departure is that children are born with huge talents, wasted by the contemporary education system. While children are not afraid of being wrong, school and the ecological system eliminate this attitude. Read also  How Powerful Do You Find Atticus Finch’s Closing Speech?Robinson thinks that this, making mistakes, is the only way to develop new ideas, although getting on in life means not making mistakes. People, especially children, should have more space to be wrong, accordingly to possibilities of creating something new. Being developed in the 19th century, the education system is focused on providing the requirements for a job in the industry and academic ability. The orator points out that the hierarchy of subjects around the world is the same: first comes math and languages, followed by humanities and concluded by the arts, especially usic and art, after that drama and dance. In Robinson’s opinion this is the right order of priorities for a scientific career, but not for people of the future which have to solute the world problems in a more creative way. Talented people do not get the sense of achievement, because things they are good at are not valued at school; hence, their high creative potentials are wasted. Furthermore Sir Ken Robinson mentions an â€Å"academic inflation† around the world, since conditions for job entrance referring to one’s academic degree are raised.Intelligence is diversely based on visual, tonal, kinesthetically, dynamic and abstract influences as a result it is the interaction of different disciplinary ways of seeing things. That is why the whole body has to be educated to use the whole spectrum of human capacity. Therefore fundamental principles of the education system have to be changed in order to send the next generation into a better future. In my personal experience, around two years ago when I was in high school, I lost all of my confidence and didn’t know what I have to do. My score were lower than other students in the class.The teachers used to ignore me and treated me as a troublemaker. After finishing some internship in America, I’ve realized that I was not that kind. Peopl e who I had met in America, especially my boss and my co-worker, encourage me to do what I really want to do. And finally I have a confidence that I can do everything if I want to. Good morning. How are you? It's been great, hasn't it? I've been blown away by the whole thing. In fact, I'm leaving. (Laughter)  There have been three themes, haven't there,  running through the conference, which are relevant  to what I want to talk about.One is the extraordinary evidence of human creativity  in all of the presentations that we've had  and in all of the people here. Just the variety of it  and the range of it. The second is that  it's put us in a place where we have no idea what's going to happen,  idea how I have an interest in education —  actually, what I find is everybody has an interest in education. Don't you? I find this very interesting. say you  actually, you're not often at dinner parties, frankly, if you work in education. (Laughter) You're not asked . And you're never asked back, curiously. That's strange to me.But if you are, and you say to somebody,  you know, they say, â€Å"What do you do? †Ã‚  and you say you work in education,  you can see the blood run from their face. They're like,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Oh my God,† you know, â€Å"Why me? My one night out all week. † (Laughter)  But if you ask about their education,  they pin you to the wall. Because it's one of those things  that goes deep with people, am I right? Like religion, and money and other things. I have a big interest in education, and I think we all do. We have a huge vested interest in it,  partly because it's education that's meant to  take us into this future that we can't grasp.If you think of it, children starting school this year  will be retiring in 2065. Nobody has a clue –despite all the expertise that's been on parade for the past four days —  what the world will look like  in five years' time. And yet we'r e meant  to be educating them for it. So the unpredictability, I think,  is extraordinary. And the third part of this is that  we've all agreed, nonetheless, on the  really extraordinary capacities that children have —  their capacities for innovation. I mean, Sirena last night was a marvel,  wasn't she?Just seeing what she could do. And she's exceptional, but I think she's not, so to speak,  exceptional in the whole of childhood. What you have there is a person of extraordinary dedication  who found a talent. And my contention is,  all kids have tremendous talents. And we squander them, pretty ruthlessly. So I want to talk about education and  I want to talk about creativity. My contention is that  creativity now is as important in education as literacy,  and we should treat it with the same status. (Applause) Thank you. That was it, by the way. left.Well I heard a great story recently — I love telling it —  of a little girl who was in a drawing lesson. She was six  and she was at the back, drawing,  and the teacher said this little girl hardly ever  paid attention, and in this drawing lesson she did. The teacher was fascinated and she went over to her  and she said, â€Å"What are you drawing? †Ã‚  And the girl said, â€Å"I'm drawing a picture of God. †Ã‚  And the teacher said, â€Å"But nobody knows what God looks like. †Ã‚  And the girl said, â€Å"They will in a minute. †Ã‚  (Laughter) When my son was four in England —  actually he was four everywhere, to be honest. Laughter)  If we're being strict about it, wherever he went, he was four that year. He was in the Nativity play. Do you remember the story? No, it was big. It was a big story. Mel Gibson did the sequel. You may have seen it: â€Å"Nativity II. † But James got the part of Joseph,  which we were thrilled about. We considered this to be one of the lead parts. We had the place crammed full of ag ents in T-shirts:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"James Robinson IS Joseph! † (Laughter)He didn't have to speak, but you know the bit  where the three kings come in. They come in bearing gifts,  and they bring gold, frankincense and myrhh.This really happened. We were sitting there  and I think they just went out of sequence,  because we talked to the little boy afterward and we said,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"You OK with that? † And he said, â€Å"Yeah, why? Was that wrong? â€Å"They just switched, that was it. Anyway, the three boys came in —  four-year-olds with tea towels on their heads —  and they put these boxes down,  and the first boy said, â€Å"I bring you gold. †Ã‚  And the second boy said, â€Å"I bring you myrhh. †Ã‚  And the third boy said, â€Å"Frank sent this. † (Laughter) What these things have in common is that kids will take a chance. If they don't know, they'll have a go.Am I right? They're not frightened of being wrong. Now, I don't me an to say that being wrong is the same thing as being creative. What we do know is,  if you're not prepared to be wrong,  you'll never come up with anything original —  if you're not prepared to be wrong. And by the time they get to be adults,  most kids have lost that capacity. They have become frightened of being wrong. way. We  where mistakes  And the result is that we are educating people out of  their creative capacities. Picasso once said this —  he said that all children are born artists. The problem is to remain an artist as we grow up.I believe this passionately,  that we don't grow into creativity,  we grow out of it. Or rather, we get educated out if it. So why is this? I lived in Stratford-on-Avon until about five years ago. In fact, we moved from Stratford to Los Angeles. So you can imagine what a seamless transition that was. Actually, we  just outside Stratford, which is where  Shakespeare's father was born. Are you struck by a ne w thought? I was. You don't think of Shakespeare having a father, do you? Do you? Because you don't think of  Shakespeare being a child, do you? Shakespeare being seven? I never thought of it.I mean, he was  seven at some point. He was in  somebody's English class, wasn't he? How annoying would that be? (Laughter) â€Å"Must try harder. † Being sent to bed by his dad, you know,  to Shakespeare, â€Å"Go to bed, now,†Ã‚  to William Shakespeare, â€Å"and put the pencil down. And stop speaking like that. It's confusing everybody. †Ã‚  (Laughter) Anyway, we moved from Stratford to Los Angeles,  and I just want to say a word about the transition, actually. My son didn't want to come. I've got two kids. He's 21 now; my daughter's 16. He didn't want to come to Los Angeles. He loved it,  but he had a girlfriend in England.This was the love of his life, Sarah. He'd known her for a month. Mind you, they'd had their fourth anniversary,  because it's a long t ime when you're 16. Anyway, he was really upset on the plane,  and he said, â€Å"I'll never find another girl like Sarah. †Ã‚  And we were rather pleased about that, frankly,  because she was the main reason we were leaving the country. (Laughter) But something strikes you when you move to America  and when you travel around the world:  Every education system on earth has the same hierarchy of subjects. Every one. Doesn't matter where you go. You'd think it would be otherwise, but it isn't.At the top are mathematics and languages,  then the humanities, and the bottom are the arts. Everywhere on Earth. And in pretty much every system too,  there's a hierarchy within the arts. Art and music are normally given a higher status in schools  than drama and dance. There isn't an education system on the planet  that teaches dance everyday to children  the way we teach them mathematics. Why? Why not? I think this is rather important. I think math is very important, b ut so is dance. Children dance all the time if they're allowed to, we all do. We all have bodies, don't we? Did I miss a meeting? Laughter) Truthfully, what happens is,  as children grow up, we start to educate them  progressively from the waist up. And then we focus on their heads. And slightly to one side. If you were to visit education, as an alien,  and say â€Å"What's it for, public education? †Ã‚  I think you'd have to conclude — if you look at the output,  who really succeeds by this,  who does everything that they should,  who gets all the brownie points, who are the winners —  I think you'd have to conclude the whole purpose of public education  throughout the world  is to produce university professors. Isn't it?They're the people who come out the top. And I used to be one, so there. (Laughter)  And I like university professors, but you know,  we shouldn't hold them up as the high-water mark of all human achievement. life, another   them. There’s  not all of them, but typically — they live in their heads. They live up there, and slightly to one side. They're disembodied, you know, in a kind of literal way. They look upon their body  as a form of transport for their heads, don't they? meetings. If  by the way, get yourself along to a residential conference  of senior academics,  and pop into the discotheque on the final night. Laughter) And there you will see it — grown men and women  writhing uncontrollably, off the beat,  waiting until it ends so they can go home and write a paper about it. Now our education system is predicated on the idea of academic ability. And there's a reason. The whole system was invented — around the world, there were  no public systems of education, really, before the 19th century. They all came into being  to meet the needs of industrialism. So the hierarchy is rooted on two ideas. Number one, that the most useful subjects for work  are at the top.So you were probably steered benignly away  from things at school when you were a kid, things you liked,  on the grounds that you would  never get a job doing that. Is that right? Don't do music, you're not going to be a musician;  don't do art, you won't be an artist. Benign advice — now, profoundly mistaken. The whole world  is engulfed in a revolution. And the second is academic ability, which has really come to dominate  our view of intelligence,  because the universities designed the system in their image. If you think of it, the whole system  of public education around the world is a protracted process  of university entrance.And the consequence is that many highly talented,  brilliant, creative people think they're not,  because the thing they were good at school  wasn't valued, or was actually stigmatized. And I think we can't afford to go on that way. In the next 30 years, according to UNESCO,  graduating through  combinati on of  technology and its transformation effect on work, and demography  and the huge explosion in population. Suddenly, degrees aren't worth anything. Isn't that true? When I was a student, if you had a degree, you had a job. If you didn't have a job it's because you didn't want one.And I didn't want one, frankly. (Laughter)  But now kids with degrees are often  heading home to carry on playing video games,  because you need an MA where the previous job required a BA,  other. It’s  And it indicates the whole structure of education  is shifting beneath our feet. We need to radically rethink  our view of intelligence. We know three things about intelligence. One, it's diverse. We think about the world in all the ways  that we experience it. We think visually,  we think in sound, we think kinesthetically. We think in abstract terms, we think in movement.Secondly, intelligence is dynamic. If you look at the interactions of a human brain, as we heard  yest erday from a number of presentations,  intelligence is wonderfully interactive. The brain isn't divided into compartments. In fact, creativity — which I define as the process  of having original ideas that have value —  more often than not comes about through the interaction  of different disciplinary ways of seeing things. The brain is intentionally — by the way,  there's a shaft of nerves that joins the two halves of the brain  called the corpus callosum. It's thicker in women.Following off from Helen yesterday, I think  this is probably why women are better at multi-tasking. Because you are, aren't you? There's a raft of research, but I know it from my personal life. If my wife is cooking a meal at home —  which is not often, thankfully. (Laughter)  But you know, she's doing — no, she's good at some things —  but if she's cooking, you know,  she's dealing with people on the phone,  she's talking to the kids, she's painting the ceiling,  she's doing open-heart surgery over here. If I'm cooking, the door is shut, the kids are out,  the phone's on the hook, if she comes in I get annoyed.I say, â€Å"Terry, please, I'm trying to fry an egg in here. Give me a break. † (Laughter)  Actually, you know that old philosophical thing,  if a tree falls in a forest and nobody hears it,  did it happen? Remember that old chestnut? I saw a great t-shirt really recently which said, â€Å"If a man speaks his mind  in a forest, and no woman hears him,  is he still wrong? † (Laughter) And the third thing about intelligence is,  it's distinct. I'm doing a new book at the momentcalled â€Å"Epiphany,† which is based on a series of  interviews with people about how they discovered  their talent.I'm fascinated by how people got to be there. It's really prompted by a conversation I had  with a wonderful woman who maybe most people  have never heard of; she's called Gillian Lynne —  have you heard of her? Some have. She's a choreographer  and everybody knows her work. She did â€Å"Cats† and â€Å"Phantom of the Opera. †Ã‚  She's wonderful. I used to be on the board of the Royal Ballet in England,  as you can see. Anyway, Gillian and I had lunch one day and I said,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Gillian, how'd you get to be a dancer? † And she said  it was interesting; when she was at school,  she was really hopeless.And the school, in the '30s,  wrote to her parents and said, â€Å"We think  Gillian has a learning disorder. † She couldn't concentrate;  she was fidgeting. I think now they'd say  she had ADHD. Wouldn't you? But this was the 1930s,  and ADHD hadn't been invented at this point. It wasn't an available condition. (Laughter)  People weren't aware they could have that. Anyway, she went to see this specialist. So, this oak-paneled room,  and she was there with her mother,  and she was led and sat on this chair at the end,  and she sat on her hands for 20 minutes while  this man talked to her mother about all  the problems Gillian was having at school.And at the end of it —  because she was disturbing people;  her homework was always late; and so on,  little kid of eight — in the end, the doctor went and sat  next to Gillian and said, â€Å"Gillian,  I've listened to all these things that your mother's  told me, and I need to speak to her privately. †Ã‚  He said, â€Å"Wait here. We'll be back; we won't be very long,†Ã‚  and they went and left her. But as they went out the room, he turned on the radio  that was sitting on his desk. And when they  got out the room, he said to her mother,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Just stand and watch her. † And the minute they left the room,  she said, she was on her feet, moving to the music.And they watched for a few minutes  and he turned to her mother and said,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Mrs. Lynne, Gillian isn't sick; s he's a dancer. Take her to a dance school. † I said, â€Å"What happened? †Ã‚  She said, â€Å"She did. I can't tell you how wonderful it was. We walked in this room and it was full of  people like me. People who couldn't sit still. People who had to move to think. † Who had to move to think. They did ballet; they did tap; they did jazz;  they did modern; they did contemporary. She was eventually auditioned for the Royal Ballet School;  she became a soloist; she had a wonderful career  at the Royal Ballet.She eventually graduated  from the Royal Ballet School and  founded her own company — the Gillian Lynne Dance Company —  met Andrew Lloyd Weber. She's been responsible forsome of the most successful musical theater  productions in history; she's given pleasure to millions;  and she's a multi-millionaire. Somebody else  might have put her on medication and told her  to calm down. Now, I think †¦ (Applause) What I think it comes to is this:  Al Gore spoke the other nightabout ecology and the revolution that was triggered by Rachel Carson.I believe our only hope for the future  is to adopt a new conception of human ecology,  one in which we start to reconstitute our conception  of the richness of human capacity. Our education system has mined our minds in the way  that we strip-mine the earth: for a particular commodity. And for the future, it won't serve us. We have to rethink the fundamental principles  on which we're educating our children. There was  a wonderful quote by Jonas Salk, who said, â€Å"If all the insects  were to disappear from the earth,  within 50 years all life on Earth would end.If all human beings disappeared from the earth,  within 50 years all forms of life would flourish. â€Å"And he's right. What TED celebrates is the gift of the human imagination. We have to be careful now that we use this gift  wisely and that we avert some of the scenarios  that w e've talked about. And the only way  we'll do it is by seeing our creative capacities  for the richness they are and seeing  our children for the hope that they are. And our task  is to educate their whole being, so they can face this future. By the way — we may not see this future,  but they will. And our job is to help  them make something of it. Thank you very much.